Glyphicons are icon fonts which you can use in your web projects. Glyphicons Halflings are not free and require licensing, however their creator has made them available for Bootstrap projects free of cost.
# Program is written in python
# 22.1 Using the count method, find the number of occurrences of the character 's' in the string 'mississippi'.
# initializing string
Stringtocheck = "mississippi"
# using count() to get count of s
counter = Stringtocheck.count('s')
# printing result
print ("Count of s is : " + str(counter))
# 2.2 In the string 'mississippi', replace all occurrences of the substring 'iss' with 'ox
# Here, we'll make use of replace() method
# Prints the string by replacing iss by ox
print(Stringtocheck.replace("iss", "ox"))
#2.3 Find the index of the first occurrence of 'p' in 'mississippi'
# declare substring
substring = 'p'
# Find index
index = Stringtocheck.find(substring)
# Print index
# End of program
because all websites use coding
I think it’s is false I’m not that sure
5 is the correct one to choose for this