Yes. Example: <u>Sulfur hexafluoride (SF₆) molecule</u>
According to the octet rule, elements tend to form chemical bonds in order to have <u>8 electrons in their valence shell</u> and gain the stable s²p⁶ electronic configuration.
However, this rule is generally followed by main group elements only.
Exception: <u>SF₆ molecule</u>
In this molecule, six fluorine atoms are attached to the central sulfur atom by single covalent bonds.
<u>Each fluorine atom has 8 electrons in their valence shells</u>. Thus, it <u>follows the octet rule.</u>
Whereas, there are <u>12 electrons around the central sulfur atom</u> in the SF₆ molecule. Therefore, <u>sulfur does not follow the octet rule.</u>
<u>Therefore, the SF₆ molecule is known as a </u><u>hypervalent molecule</u><u> or expanded-valence molecule.</u>
A magical or medicinal potion/solution
If it contains a impurity that is insoluble it won't dissolve completely, the solution would be smaller than it is supposed to be, when compared to a compound without such insoluble impurity. Molecular weight determination won't be accurate because the molecular weight obtained will be higher as a result of the fact that the mass of the solute would include the actual solute that is changing the temperature and the excess mass of the impurity.
According to the kinetic theory, the mean free path is the average distance a single atom or molecule of an element or compound travels with respect with the other atoms during a collision. The greater the mean free path, the more ideal the behavior of a gas molecule is because intermolecular forces are minimum. To understand which factors affect the mean free path, the equation is written below.
l = μ/P * √(πkT/2m), where
l is the mean free path
μ is the viscosity of the fluid
P is the pressure
k is the Boltzmann's constant
T is the absolute temperature
m is the molar mass
So, here are the general effects of the factors on the mean free path:
Mean free path increases when:
1. The fluid is viscous (↑μ)
2. At low pressures (↓P)
3. At high temperatures (↑T)
4. Very light masses (↓m)
The opposite is also true for when the mean free path decreases. Factors that are not found here have little or no effect.