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The answer is A i think from the options though the answers are worded a bit weird
Some varieties of potato, such as Russet and King Edward, are more suitable for baking than others, owing to their size and consistency. Despite the popular misconception that potatoes are fattening, baked potatoes can be part of a healthy diet.[2]
For example, when oxygen and hydrogen react to produce water, one mole of oxygen ... These conversion factors state the ratio of reactants that react but do not tell ... In a typical chemical equation, an arrow separates the reactants on the left ... For example, to determine the number of mol
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absorbance = log 100 - log Transmitance
absorbace = 0.85
log 100 = 2
- log transmitance = absorbace / log 100
0.85 / 2= 0.425
transmitance = 10 ^ ( - 0.425 )
transmitance = 0.376