Every sample of a given substance has identical intensive properties because every sample has the same composition
Hey there!
Answer: Protons
The atom in a sample of an element must contain nuclei with the same number of protons. If the protons change in number, then the element will modify as well.
Thank you!
Using the same anchor points, he determined the freezing temperature for water to be 0 degree and the boiling temperature 100 degrees. The Celsius scale is known as a Universal System Unit. It is used throughout science and in most countries.
To make a multiplication in scientific notation we need to multiply the coefficients and sum the exponents:
Coefficients: 2.600 * 6.1000 = 15.86
Exponents: -5 + (-5) = -10
The result is:
As the scientific notation must be given with only 1 number in the left of the point: