38*10=380 N
To be more exact, 38 should be multiplied by 9.8 instead of 10.
Answer: Stars are bright and have the ability to emit lights of various wavelength. The color of a star plays a significant role. It helps us in determining its temperature. It ranges from reddish color to a bluish-white color. A red color star indicates that the star is of low temperature, whereas a bluish-white star indicates that the star is of high temperature.
If atoms lose , they become more organized.
When energy is removed from a given amount of atoms, they enter a more organized state because their attractive forces overcome their repulsive forces, which causes them to come closer. This is observed when a gas is condensed to a liquid, and then also when a liquid freezes into a solid. This moving closer also limits the motion of the particles.
2kg*9.8N/Kg*40m -I've used the Grabitational field strength of the earth's
In an experiment there are three types of variables: Independent, dependent and constant variables.
The variable being tested and the parameters of which can be changed is the Independent variable. Here, the cleaning product is the independent variable.
Dependent variables are the ones which vary when change in the independent variable is made. How clean the counter is the dependent variable which is depending on the cleaning product (the independent variable).
Constant variables are the ones which are kept unchanged during the experiment so that it does not affects the result of the experiment. In the given experiment, the amount of cleaning product and the brand of the paper towel are the constant variables. Other constant variables can be the size of the paper towel, the technique of wiping, the temperature etc.