They utilize and apply the scientific method in gathering,
interpreting and analyzing empirical evidence.
Empirical evidence, data or knowledge is an obtained set of
facts or figures or existing and presenting data that was yielded during the
process of experimentation or scientific discovery. These empirical data or
evidence is further studied and investigated by the scientist in a formal
scientific approach which follows the steps of observation, making a
hypothesis, gathering data, interpreting data and evaluating the data. These
steps of the scientific approach are vital in the course to explain and discuss
the result and evidence obtained during the process.
If you're working with a solid or a liquid, the only way to increase volume
is to add more solid or liquid, so the mass must also increase.
(I don't want to get into temperature and confuse you.)
Not so with a gas. If you want to increase the volume of a jar of gas,
all you have to do is pipe it into a bigger jar. Gas always expands
to fill whatever you put it in. So if you're working with a gas, you can
increase the volume with no change in the mass.
The SI unit of power is the watt
Earth's HYDROLOGIC cycle moves water from one reservoir to another.
B. Gravity and air resistance.