What is a heart attack? How do you know someone is having a heart attack? What risk factors do you have for potentially sufferin
g from heart disease or a heart attack? What can you do right now to reduce such risks? Are you willing to make these changes? Why
or why not? Be sure to reflect on at least one other person's comments in the discussion with a response that generates discussion.
In other words, "I agree" or "good point" do not count. Please be thoughtful and considerate.
A heart attack is a medical emergency. A heart attack usually occurs when a blood clot blocks blood flow to the heart. Without blood, tissue loses oxygen and dies.
Comfort him, reassure him the reasons to stay. Talk about the positives of living. Do not pressure or guilt him on staying alive. Tell a trusted adult or school counselor.
So when you are communicating in a healthcare facility something isn't loss in translation and something serious occurs because someone didn't know the proper terminology.