Talk to her.
Make sure your approachable and be there for her. Let her know that she can talk to you. Confront her about it but don't press her about it. E.g. pull her aside to where it's just you and her "Sondra I noticed the pill bottle... you know you can always talk to me" or tell a trusted adult to help.
They will finish their grieving process at the same time, no matter if they are a healthy family or not. It is a big effect of someone's life, losing someone, so they would finish the process at the same time.
I hope it helps! Have a great day!
Probably going to Clinic Eight was the bedt thing to do given the fact that it was an ER case. Considering the type of medical insurance and coverage ( in USA?) and the recommended follow up ( given by Dr. Howitzer) there could be a number of causes and effects, being them neurological or not
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