In the context of the ecological systems theory of development, the mesosystem involves the interactions of the various settings within the microsystem. For instance, the home and the school interact during parent-teacher conferences
The Workingmen's Party wanted free public education and wished to set regulations limiting debtor imprisonment and compulsory militia service. They also called for greater financial security and shorter working orders.
Question Options:
a. Authority compliance leadership
b. Team leadership
c. Country club leadership
d. Middle-of-the road leadership
e. Impoverished leadership
Answer: This is an example of MIDDLE OF THE ROAD LEADERSHIP.
Middle of the road leadership style involves a balanced concern for production and people.
This style is also known as the status quo. The managerial grid model is a style leadership model developed by Robert R. Blake and Jane Mouton in 1964.
Managers who use this style hope to achieve suitable performance but often neither production or people needs are met.
B. Articles
The articles is the part of the constitution that outlines the structure and the powers of the government.
The seven articles gives a description of the set up of the government.
The first article gives the power of the legislature
The second article tells the power of the executive arm.
The third outlines the power of the judiciary
The fourth article tells relationship between states and federal government
The fifth article describes how changes can be made to constitution
The sixth article talks of the constitution as supreme law of the land
The seventh article talks of ratification