other people, rebellion, lack of confidence, escape, misinformation
There can be many approaches to psychotherapy and studying psychology in general. For example, cognitive and behavioral perspective. Here, Dr Abbot is focusing on the behavior of individuals according to their environment. They can develop normal or abnormal behavior according to the conditioning provided to them. This perspective comes under behavioral perspective. If the doctor had focused more on what the individual is thinking and feeling subconsciously rather than their actions, it would have come under cognitive perspective.
Sensorimotor stage
The sensorimotor stage of development, is the first stage of cognitive development of infants, children, and adolescents. A child of about 2 years of age, is in the sensorimotor stage.
Infants at the early stage of life, sense what is directly in front of them. Their learning pattern at this early stage is a trial and error pattern involving gripping, throwing etc.
As soon as the object is taken away from the direct view of an infant, it ceases to exist to him/her. This is because objects exist to infants when they can sense them and interact with them.
.A significant development during the sensorimotor stage is the understanding of an infant that objects exist and that events occur in the world independently from their actions and what they sense.The infant now has a representation of the object and realizes the object can still exist independently.This is known as object permanence