The cleaning up of Lake Washington didn't occur overnight. It started with the process of providing scientific information to the public and the public decided to take action.
The action was persistent and the results yielded took a long while to materialize properly.
Upon receipt of the information from scientists that a particular bacteria was responsible for damaging the ecology of the water body, the public resorted to conveying all effluents to a treatment plant rather than dump same in to the Lake.
you have to include a picture
Diamond is a solid form of the element carbon with its atoms arranged in a crystal structuctre. It is formed in the mantle and delivered to the surface by deep source volcanic eruption.
it have exquisite beauty, inner fire, and unique physical quantity have made them so precious.
Yes. Carbon, Water, and ATP (Energy) are the products
You are talking about cellular respiration
- Equation: Glucose + Oxygen converts to Carbon Dioxide, Water, and ATP.
Carbon is exchanged, or "cycled" among Earth's oceans, atmosphere, ecosystem, and geosphere. All living organisms are built of carbon compounds. It is the fundamental building block of life and an important component of many chemical processes.
El carbono se intercambia o se "cicla" entre los océanos, la atmósfera, el ecosistema y la geosfera de la Tierra. Todos los organismos vivos están construidos con compuestos de carbono. Es el componente fundamental de la vida y un componente importante de muchos procesos químicos.