It means the waves collides and constructive interference occurred.
If the two waves coming from the opposite direction collide with each other, there are two way of their interference.
- Constructive interference: An interference which results in the increase in energy. And it is when crust of a wave comes on the crust of second wave.
- Destructive interference: An interference which results in decrease in energy of the resulting wave and colliding waves cancel the result of each other.
Hence in experiment there will be constructive interference.
Wax is definitely susceptible to heat and with the application of heat such as burning a candle, the solid wax gets converted into a liquid. This fact can be used to remove ear wax also actually using hollow candles that will melt the ear wax and allow it to be drained out of the ear.
Squeezing just the juices out of the orange, like with your hand or whatever you use, is a physical change. yes :)