This should not matter because the pipet has gradations and usually more of the sample is taken up in the pipette than what is delivered into the flask the student should always rinse the container being used because they are contaminating the sample if they do not clean it out
1. The metal atom/ion in these compounds are Ni and Ni2+ respectively.
2. The electrons from s oribital will jump to d orbital and so I expect CO to donate electron pairs in 4p and 4s orbitals and form sp3 hybridisation.
The questions tha science can answer are those can be tested to try to find a definite answer.
For example, whether light is wave or particle is matter of science.
Questions that cannot have a definite answer are the field of religion or philosophy, and are out of the boundaries of science.
For example, does a criminal deserve the punishment of not seeing light? It is a moral question, which to be responded needs the intervention of philosophy and that could have different anwers at different times and in different societies.
Glucose molecule has 6 carbon atoms