The numbers are in subscript
Forming a covalent bond
A covalent bond is formed when two atoms share a pair of electrons. Covalent bonding occurs in most non-metal elements, and in compounds formed between non-metals.
These shared electrons are found in the outer shells of the atoms. Usually each atom contributes one electron to the shared pair of electrons.
The slideshow shows how a covalent bond forms between a hydrogen atom and a chlorine atom, making hydrogen chloride.
Structures of a hydrogen atom and a chlorine atom.
1. A hydrogen atom with one electron and a chlorine atom with 17 electrons
Most covalently bonded substances consist of small molecules. A molecule is a group of two or more atoms joined together by covalent bonds. Molecules of the same element or compound always contain the same number of atoms of each element.
The atoms in a molecule are always joined together by a covalent bond. Substances that are made up of ions do not form molecules.
Sizes of atoms and simple molecules
A small molecule contains only a few atoms, so atoms and small molecules have a similar range of sizes. They are very small, typically around 0.1 nm or 1 × 10-10 m across.
Ps please mark me as brainiest please
I suspect this question should read "How long does a red blood cell live." A red blood cell lives for between 100 and 120 days. It takes 7 days for a new red blood cell to develop from stem cells. Stem cells are similar to base cells. They can also be seen as a general template from which specialized cells are made. Stem cells can be taken from a newborn baby's umbilical chord or extracted from an adult blood donor's blood.This
D. Allotrope
What is allotropy?
- Allotropy refers to the existence of an element in more than one physical forms.
- Allotropes are therefore different forms of an element with different physical properties or chemical arrangements.
What are some examples of allotropes?
- Examples of elements that exhibit allotropy include, sulfur and carbon.
- Allotropes of carbon are diamond and graphite.
- Allotropes of sulfur are monoclinic sulfur and rhombic sulfur.
Soil is heterogeneous mixture of sand particles of different sizes, shape and of different compositions.
Homogeneous mixtures are defined as the mixtures in which components are evenly spread throughout the solution. The size and shape of the particles are similar in these mixtures.
For example : alloys, salt solution.
Heterogeneous mixtures are defined as the mixtures in which component are unevenly spread throughout the solution. The size and shape of the particles differ in these mixtures.
For example : sand in a water, soil etc.
Brass is an alloy homogeneous mixture of metals.
Air is a homogeneous mixture of gases.
Coffee with sugar stirred in is also homogeneous mixture.
Soil is a heterogeneous mixture of sand particles of different sizes, shape and of different compositions.