D. Electromagnetic
49.8 g should be the balance read.
Adding the mass of the evaporation dish 44.8 g with the mass of the copper 5 g you obtain 49.8 g.
On the balance you put first the evaporation dish (or a watch glass) over which you add copper until you reach 49.8 g.
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All chemical reaction between substances results into a chemical change. When two substances just like HCL and NaOH reacts with each other, NaCl means Sodium Chloride salt is formed.
The phenomenon like change in color, change in temperature, release of gas etc when happens ,then it means chemical change has been occurred. e.g
HCl +NaOH ----> NaCl +H2O.
The equilibrium position will shift towards the lefthand side.
[CoCl4] 2- (aq) + 6H2O (l) ⇌ [Co(H2O)6] 2+ (aq) + 4 Cl- (aq)
The equation written above in exothermic as written. That is, the forward reaction is exothermic. The equilibrium position is observable by monitoring the colour change of the solution. At the left hand side, the solution is blue but at the right hand side the solution is pink. Addition of heat (in a hot water bath) will shift the equilibrium towards the left hand side, that is formation of more [CoCl4] 2- making the solution to appear blue in colour.
The strength of a bond depends on the amount of overlap between the two orbitals of the bonding atoms
Orbitals bond in the directions in which they protrude or point to obtain maximum overlap
The valence bond theory was proposed by Linus Pauling. Compounds are firmed by overlap of atomic orbitals to attain a favourable overlap integral. The better the overlap integral (extent of overlap) the better or stringer the covalent bond.
Orbitals overlap in directions which ensure a maximum overlap of atomic orbitals in the covalent bond.