The Earth, Mars or Jupiter should be denser than the Sun. Density is defined by mass and volume — components of object or matter. Although the sun is huge, it’s component is made up of mostly gas (hydrogen and helium). While Earth, though smaller than the Sun, contains heavier elements such as iron, sulfur, rocks, sediments, granite, basalt and water. Mars (composed of rocks and nutrients) and Jupiter (contains gases and compounds) as well are denser when compared to the Sun’s density. Referencing to our basic understanding of matter: solid and liquid should be heavier than gas.
<h2><u><em>When measuring data, the result often varies from the true value. Error can arise due to many different reasons that are often related to human error, but can also be due to estimations and limitations of devices used in measurement. Regardless, in cases such as these, it can be valuable to calculate the percentage error. The computation of percentage error involves the use of the absolute error, which is simply the difference between the observed and the true value.</em></u></h2>