The tiny object's acceleration will be much greater.
Because of Newton's second law of motion, (which is F=ma or Force= Mass*acceleration), then if the force maintains the same (which in this case it does, because it says 50 N to both obejcts) and one mass was much greater than the other, then the ould be less for the more massive object and much greater for the lighter object.
For example: If 50 N were applied to a 500 kg object and a 50 kg object, then theformulas for each (respectively) are:
50 = 500*acceleration
50 = 50*acceleration
(Because of Newtons Second Law of Motion)
Then, solving for the equations, we get for equation 1:
Acceleration = .1 m/s^2
And for equation 2:
Accleration = 1 m/s^2
Thus, you can see that more massive objects (when applied he same amount of force as the smaller object) clearly have less accleration than the smaller objects.