A Magnesia
The word magnetism comes from the word Magnesia, which is the name for a region in Asia Minor, where fragments of Fe3O4 ore (magnetite) were found, which attracts other metal objects.
Magnetism is a physical phenomenon by which we describe the attractive or repulsive force between materials.
This phenomenon has been known for thousands of years.
energy. It will not disrupt the picture developing process by overexposing too much light on the film.
Option b, pothographs from drones.
the USGS (U.S. Geological Survey) decided to make photographic captures from drones to the volcanic surfaces, which allowed through observations to understand things like the characteristics of the lava, the height of the volcanic plumes (among others).
Podemos ver en el siguiente enlace un ejemplo de fotografía tomada desde un dron al Kilauea.