answers 93 bar
The atmosphere of Venus is the layer of gases surrounding Venus. It is composed primarily of carbon dioxide and is much denser and hotter than that of Earth. The temperature at the surface is 740 K (467 °C, 872 °F), and the pressure is 93 bar (9.3 MPa), roughly the pressure found 900 m (3,000 ft) underwater on Earth.
It is
1 Answer. The volume is 37.0 cm3Au .
The speed increases, because as the angle increases (the wing slants up more steeply), the air has to go farther to get over the wing.
Herz is a measurement for how many cycles of the wave occur per second, which in this case is 261. the period is the time it takes to complete 1 cycle, so if 261 cycles occur per second, one cycle occurs every 1/261 seconds