First, calculate the work done: 54 x 10 = 540J.
Now calculate power: 540 / 6 = 90.
The answer is 90W.
Hope this helps.
Daylight hours would be shorter.
If there were no tilt of the axis at all, every place on the planet except the north and south poles would have 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of night every day of the year.
At a 10° tilt, the arctic circle and antarctic circles would be a little less than half the distance from the poles as they are today.
The law of conservation of mechanical energy states that the sum of the kinetic and potential energies is a constant at any point.
At maximum height, the glove has purely potential energy but at the bottom, it has purely kinetic energy.
The potential energy at the top = kinetic energy at the bottom. The potential energy is given by

At half height, this potential energy is

At this height, PE + KE = Constant = KE at bottom or PE at maximum height.

The normal resting heart rate for adults over the age of 10 years, including older adults, is between 60 and 100 beats per minute (bpm). Highly trained athletes may have a resting heart rate below 60 bpm, sometimes reaching 40 bpm. The resting heart rate can vary within this normal range.
I hope that answers your question!
The hyoid is located in the neck area, not the limbs.