Yes, this answer is correct.
Absolute zero is -273.15 degrees celsius
T= Tc+273.15
T is the kelvin temperature
Tc is the temperature in degrees celsius
T= -273.15 + 273.15
T=0 K
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Ca because it has a larger atomic radius.
The answer is: D.unstable nuclei emitting high-energy particles as they formed more stable compositions.
Those high-energy particles are alpha particles
, beta particles
, gamma radiation.
For example, the decay chain of ²³⁸U is called the uranium series.
Decay start with U-238 and ends with Pb-206. There are several alpha and beta minus decays.
Antoine Henri Becquerel (1852 – 1908) was a French physicist and the first person to discover evidence of radioactivity.
Becquerel wrapped fluorescing crystal (uranium salt potassium uranyl sulfate) in a cloth, along with the photographic plate and a copper Maltese cross.
Several days later, he discovered that a image of the cross appeared on the plate.
The uranium salt was emitting radiation.
Because of this discovery, Becquerel won a Nobel Prize for Physics in 1903, which he shared with Marie Curie and Pierre Curie.
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