This is false. they flow west to east
I believe Intangibility is the answer! :P I hope this helps!
The most common unit is meters (m for short). It is the base unit for distance or displacement in the metric system. If you are dealing with larger distances, you might use kilometers (I'm for short) which is just 1000 meters. On the other hand, centimeter (cm) are used for small distances and are 1/100 of a meter. Another common unit is millimeters (mm) which is 1/1000 of a meter.
Correct order of energy of energy states within an atom is as follows
1s , 2 s, 2 p 3 s ,3 p, 4s , 3d, 4p, 4p,5s etc.
There is discrepancies in this order due to overlapping of outer orbitals with inner orbitals so sometimes outer orbitals have lower energy.