1:faringe:es un conducto que permite la comunicación entre las fosas nasales (el paso del aire por la nasofaringe a la laringe) y la cavidad bucal
Laringe:es una cavidad formada por cartílagos que presenta una saliente comúnmente llamada "nuez" en la laringe se encuentra las cuerdas vocales que al vibrar con el aire produce la voz
Tráquea:es un conducto de doce centímetros de longitud,situado delante del estó tráquea brinda una vía abierta al aire que entra y sale se los pulmones
a) 965,1 lbf
b) 4,5 kg
c) 1,33 * 10^6 dynes
Mass of an object refers to the amount of mattter it cotains, it can be expressed it gr, kg, lbm, ton, etc.
Weight of an object refers to a force, and is the measurement of the pull of gravitiy on an object. It may be definide as the mass times the acceleration of gravity.
In Planet Earth, the nominal "average" value for gravity is 9,8 m/s² (in the International System) or 32,17 ft/s² (in the FPS system).
To solve this problem we'll use the following conversion factors:
1 lbf = 1 lbm*ft/s²
1 N = 1 kg*m/s²
1 dyne = 1 gr*cm/s² and 1 N =10^5 dynes
1 ton = 907,18 kg
1 k = 1000 gr
a) m = 30 lbm

b) w = 44 N
First, we clear m of the weight equation and then we replace our data.

c) m = 15 ton
1. 7 protons, 7 electrons, 8 neutrons
2. 16 protons, 16 electrons, 17 neutrons
3. 29 protons, 29 electrons, 34 neutrons
4. 38 protons, 38 electrons, 46 neutrons
5. 56 protons, 56 electrons, 74 neutrons
6. 74 protons, 74 electrons, 112 neutrons
7. 80 protons, 80 electrons, 122 neutrons
Ionic Compounds Are Balanced
Table salt is an example of an ionic compound. Sodium and chlorine ions come together to form sodium chloride, or NaCl. The sodium atom in this compound loses an electron to become Na+, while the chlorine atom gains an electron to become Cl-