Silver and Gold belong to a special group of metals known as the native metals. They are found naturally on their own and not in combined form in rocks.
- These metals are found uncombined because they are unreactive.
- They prefer to alloy with themselves.
- Calcium and magnesium on the other hand are reactive metals.
- The unreactivity of these metals makes them uncombined in nature.
C.) 2-butyne
Since the molecule has 4 central carbons, it has the prefix but-.
Since the molecule has a triple bond between central carbons, it has an ending of -yne.
Since the triple bond starts on the second carbon, it has a 2 - prefix.
Technically, the answer is iron. Oxygen has a melting point way below zero (-219 degrees celsius), ice becomes water AT room temperature and bromine is already a liquid at room temperature. So, iron has a melting point greater than room temperature due to the fact that metals are made up of giant structures of atoms in a regular arrangement, and there are strong forces of electrostatic attraction between positive metal ions and negative electrons, meaning that a lot of heat energy is required to break the bonds, i.e. a very high melting point, approx. 1500 degrees celsius. Hope this helps.
I think the statement is false. Natural elements do reflect light. Almost everything in this world reflect light. Reflection<span> is when </span>light<span> bounces off an object. Hope this answers the question. Have a nice day.</span>