First change the minutes into hours then multiply by the distance.
English: Cardiovascular efficiency depends on a number of factors. One measure is called stroke volume, which is the volume of blood pumped per heartbeat. A fit individual has a larger stroke volume, which means a greater volume of oxygen is delivered to the body per heartbeat.
Spanish: La eficacia cardiovascular depende de una serie de factores. Una medida se denomina volumen sistólico, que es el volumen de sangre bombeada por latidos cardíacos. Un individuo en forma tiene un volumen de movimiento mayor, lo que significa que un mayor volumen de oxígeno es entregado al cuerpo por latidos cardíacos.
The momentum of ball is given by:
Since both have the same momentum, we have:
Number 3If you notice any mistake in my english, please let me know, because i am not native.
Behaves as a wave.
The dual nature of light means that light behaves as a wave. If the light consisted of small particles, the alternating light and dark bands would not have occurred.
Sometimes it behaves like a particle (called a photon), which explains how light travels in straight lines.

Initial angular speed of the ferris wheel is given as

final angular speed after friction is given as

now angular acceleration is given as

now torque due to friction on the wheel is given as

Now the power required to rotate it with initial given speed is