Co(NO3)2 isthe right answer
hope it helped u a lot
bad thing.
most of Greenland is an icy island with the only main population on the west coast.
Although this would probably open up more land for use; the rising sea levels are a much bigger threat comparatively with the perks of warmer climate.
The greater the friction, or rubbing, between particles in any fluid, the higher the viscosity. A fluid with a high viscosity has a large amount of internal friction. As the temperature of a gas increases, friction increases, and so the viscosity of the gas increases. The warmer the gas, the slower it flows.
The circulatory system.
All of them are in charge of pumping blood and oxygen throughout the body, which is the job of the circulatory system.
It is not possible to have 100 percent pure water. Therefore the success rate is not certain
Naturally, pure water does not exist. Water is a universal solvent. As water falls in to the earth as rain, from the atmosphere water picks up particles and minerals. Immediately water hits the ground it reacts with minerals from soil upon which it lands and then it enters into streams and rivers.
Hundred percent pure water is dangerous to life, because it has no minerals which makes it corrosive, if a hundred percent pure water enters the body it will suck off the minerals in the body.
The politician should make a promise of hundred percent pure water to the people in the industrial sector and laboratories because that is where it is useful.