The answer is: Applied Chemistry
Apllied Chemistry is a branch of Chemistry that deals with the application and use of Chemistry principles and theories to answer a specific question or solve real world problems. It is aimed at taking Chemistry knowlege from the classroom to the real world. In this example, Marie noticed that a problem had arisen, and that is corrosion of metals, and she set out to apply the principles of Chemistry to make a paint formulation that prevvents corrosion, not just on paper with a bunch of formulas and calculations, but translated into a real life substance. On the other hand, pure Chemistry is the theoretical aspect of Chemistry, where the result of the researches are purely for knowlege and not for real world application.
The energy of a hydrogen atom's electron is determined by which principal quantum number n value corresponds to the energy state the electron occupies. where n=1,2,3,... is the quantum number that quantizes the energy levels. That is, they are discrete energy values proportional to 1n2 .
The specific heat capacity can be described as the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a substance by one degrees Celsius. It is represented by C or S. The greater the carrying capacity of a substance, the more will be the heat required for that substance.
As we can see in the information given in the question, the specific heat capacity of zinc is the lowest as compared to steel, water and aluminium. Hence, zinc is the correct option.
Water, 35 liters. Carbon, 20 kilograms. Ammonia, 4 liters. Lime, 1.5 kilograms. Phosphorous, 800 grams. Salt, 250 grams. Saltpeter, 100 grams. Sulfur, 80 grams. Fluorine, seven-point-five. Iron, five. Silicon, three grams. And trace
amounts of 15 other elements.
the ingredients of the average adult,right down to the last specks of protein in your eyelashes. And even though science has given us the entire physical breakdown, there's never been a successful attempt at bringing a human to life. There's still something missing. Something scientists haven't been able to find in centuries of research. ...and in case you're wondering, all those ingredients can be bought on a child's allowance. humans can be made rather cheap. There's no magic to it.