The product would be 2NaCI. Hope this helps xx
plaster is important because of the many uses you can make out of plaster
• Abogado
• Administrador o conservacionista de campo
• Agrícola o agrónomo
• Apiculturísta
• Arquitecto
• Arquitecto ambiental
• Asistente de investigación
• Astrónomo
• Bioquímico
• Científico animal
• Científico avícola
• Científico de suelo
• Consejero vocacional
• Contador
• Criador animal
• Economista
• Entomólogo
• Epidemiólogo
• Farmacólogo
• Físico
• Fitogenetista
• Forestal
• Genetista
• Geoquímico
• Geofísico
• Horticultor
• Ingeniero
• Matemático (incluyendo estadístico)
• Meteorólogo
• Nutriólogo
• Profesor
• Químico
• Silviculturiasta (incluyendo forestalista)
• Terapeuta recreativo
• Topógrafo
• Trabajador social
• Urbanista (incluyendo geógrafo)
• Zoologísta
• Técnico científico de cualquiera de las siguientes disciplinas: ciencias agrícolas, astronomía, biología, química, ingeniería, silvicultura, geología, geofísica, meteorología o física
Answer: Linear
Explaination: The central atom of a carbon dioxide molecule is carbon. Carbon is tetravalent which just means it has 4 valence electrons. Because the valence shell isn’t full, the carbon atom can bond with other atoms creating a total of 4 bonds. This then allows the carbon to double bond with 2 oxygen atoms. Now, the atoms in the CO2 molecule Don’t share the electrons evenly because of atomic number or proton count. Because oxygen has an atomic number of 6, carbon has an atomic number of 4, and opposites attract (referring to the positivity of the nucleus and the negativity of the shared electrons), the oxygen atoms will have a slightly negative charge (-) and the oxygen will have a slightly positive charge (+ ). Therefore, the slightly negative oxygen atoms repel creating that linear shape.
A part.
Because the reactants must be the exact same as the the products.