1. The precession of the equinoxes.
2. Changes in the tilt angle of Earth’s rotational axis relative to the plane of Earth’s orbit around the Sun.
3. Variations in the eccentricity
These variations listed above; the precession of the equinoxes (refers, changes in the timing of the seasons of summer and winter), this occurs on a roughly about 26,000-year interval; changes in the tilt angle of Earth’s rotational axis relative to the plane of Earth’s orbit around the Sun, this occurs roughly in a 41,000-year interval; and changes in the eccentricity (that is a departure from a perfect circle) of Earth’s orbit around the Sun, occurring on a roughly 100,000-year timescale. which influences the mean annual solar radiation at the top of Earth’s atmosphere.
Proper weighting
Proper weighing involves the condition of a scuba diver that is fully geared having a near empty tank and the BCD emptied with a held breadth is expected to float at eye level
The fundamental of adequate or good buoyancy of a scuba diver is to ensure proper weighting when diving, With proper weighting, there is more control for the diver when a safety stop is required. There is less need to carry excess weight that increases drag and gas consumption.
The answer, using an indicator to measure the hydrogen ion concentration of a solution, is correct