7th A good time for you arshpreet May God bless you live a long life of shapes in which class do read it and I am asking you are nagre andg my replying sooner than later this month to you arshpreet May God bless you live a long life of shapes in which class do read it and I am asking you are nagre andg my replying sooner than later this month to you arshpreet May God bless you live a long life of shapes in which class do read it and I am asking you are nagre andg my replying sooner than later this month to you arshpreet May God bless you live a long life of shapes in which class do read it and I am asking you are nagre andg my replying sooner than later this month to you arshpreet May God bless you live a long life of shapes in which class do read it and I am asking you are nagre andg my replying sooner than later this month
Answer: C) a&c
Explanation: Composite materials are the materials which are made up of the two or more material of different properties.They are usually having properties like high hardness,low in density,no dissolving into each other etc. Whiskers as a dispersing agent in composite materials are usually not preferred because they are expensive as well as they are not easy to disperse in the composite material.Thus option (c) is the correct answer.
Electrical Capacitance
To find - unit of measure in SI for F
Solution -
The answer is - Electrical Capacitance
Reason -
The farad (symbol: F) is the SI derived unit of electrical capacitance, the ability of a body to store an electrical charge.
Capacitate electrică
Pentru a găsi - unitate de măsură în SI pentru F
Soluție -
Răspunsul este - Capacitate electrică
Motiv -
Farada (simbolul: F) este unitatea de capacitate electrică derivată din SI, capacitatea unui corp de a stoca o sarcină electrică.
Search Results
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An immersion heater has a resistance of 50Ω and carries a › Engineering › High School
An immersion heater has a resistance of 50Ω and carries a current of 2.5A current. ... What will be the final temperature of 500 g of water that is initially at 20ºC after 3 minutes if Does the water absorb all the heat given off by the heater? Does ...
Search Results
Web results
An immersion heater has a resistance of 50Ω and carries a › Engineering › High School
An immersion heater has a resistance of 50Ω and carries a current of 2.5A current. ... What will be the final temperature of 500 g of water that is initially at 20ºC after 3 minutes if Does the water absorb all the heat given off by the heater? Does ...