1) move away from the windows.
When abrupt changes in pressure (produced by the hurricane) affect the windows, they can "explode" and be a serious danger for the people.
2) Go to the lowest level of the building.
Is safer than the upper levels because the lower levels suffer less from the strength of the hurricane (being closer to the ground increases the structural resistance), make sure that you have everything you may need in case of an emergency.
There are different options here but all of them work by approximating and assuming.
i) that the boulder is above ground.
ii) that the bottom surface of the boulder is known.
iii) the shape of the boulder is taken into account.
The most accurate way is measuring it by displacement method but the boulder is immovable hence the volume can be calculated by measuring the boulder or a waterproof box to be built around the boulder and calculate the volume occupied by boulder.
All the above methods are estimating methods.
*Another way to find the density is through specific gravity.
S.G = <u>Density</u><u> </u><u>of</u><u> </u><u>object</u>
Density of water
If the material that makes the boulder is known that is if it's stone or a mineral then the specific gravity can be found.
If the boulder is purely rock then S.G lies between 3 - 3.5 and the density of water is known thus the density of the boulder can be found without moving the boulder.
This is what I think after correction and allthe best!
usually gravity is what causes us to make us weigh more or less depending on which planet we are on
Methods of extraction include: extract by electrolysis, extract by reaction with carbon or carbon monoxide, and extracted by various chemical reactions.
《I hope tis help you》
Ok, primero pensemos en una situación normal.
La moneda comienza a caer, pero la moneda esta inmersa en una sustancia, el aire. El aire comienza a aplicar una resistencia al movimiento de la moneda, y esta resistencia incremente a medida que la velocidad de la moneda incremente. Llega un punto en el que esta nueva fuerza es igual a la fuerza gravitatoria, y en sentido opuesto, lo que causa que la fuerza neta sea 0, y que la moneda caiga a velocidad constante hasta que esta impacta con el suelo.
Ahora, en este caso tenemos que ignorar los efectos del aire, entonces no hay ninguna fuerza que se oponga a la fuerza gravitatoria, entonces la fuerza neta no cambia a medida que cae (La fuerza neta cambia cuando la moneda impacta el suelo).
También se puede analizar el caso en el que, como la fuerza gravitatoria decrece con el radio al cuadrado, a medida que la moneda cae, la fuerza gravitatoria incrementa. El tema es que en para estas dimensiones, ese cambio en la fuerza gravitacional es imperceptible,