i'm not sure if you are asking as a personal question or a book question so i'm taking it personal.
I was doing a simple task that was handed to me to test my responsibility and I agreed (knowing i am responsible :3). my first thought was "man , this is easy!" but then i started seeing the other kids slaking off and quiting their tasks. I thought that was against the rules, but then i saw my bff doing it too and i thought "this should be ok then!" so i did the same. other kids where still doing it. the teacher came, saw the ones still working and smiled... but when the teacher looked at the ones slaking off omg... his face was like * im gonna kill yall* we took one big gulp and whined. the teacher awarded the ones who completed the task... the others , we had to do our original task but doubled... for 3 weeks!!! it was awful!!!
- < 25 m/s
- triangle inequality
- between north and east
- 45° < angle < 60°
(a) Just as one-dimensional numbers add on a number line by putting them end-to-end, so two-dimensional numbers add on a coordinate plane the same way.
Here, we choose to let the positive y-axis represent North, and the positive x-axis, East. This is the way a map is conventionally oriented. The velocity of the plane is represented by a vector pointing north (up). Its length represents the magnitude of the velocity. Likewise, the wind is represented by a vector of length 15 pointing east (right). The sum of these is the hypotenuse of the triangle they form.
The magnitude of the sum can be found here using the Pythagorean theorem, but for the purpose of this question, you're not asked to find that.
Instead, you're asked to estimate whether it is more or less than 25 (m/s).
Your knowledge of the triangle inequality will tell you that the hypotenuse (resultant) must be shorter than the sum of the lengths of the sides of the triangle, hence must be less than 10+15 = 25.
(b) The triangle inequality says the resultant is less than the sum of the other two sides of the triangle.
(c) Since the wind is blowing the plane toward the east, but the plane is traveling toward the north, the resulting direction is somewhere between north and east.
(d) "Somewhere between north and east" can be expressed as the inequality ...
0° < angle < 90°
<h2>Answer: Transpiration
Vegetal transpiration is the loss of water in the form of vapor, in the plant through its different parts, especially its leaves.
In this process, soil water is absorbed by the roots of the plant and transported in liquid form to the leaves to be converted into water vapor, while a part is used in photosynthesis. That is why vegetal transpiration is considered a vital function in the photosynthesis process.
This is possible because the leaves have small pores that allow water to escape into the atmosphere in the form of vapor and absorb carbon dioxide. Then, most of the water in the plants is used in the process of transpiration and only a small percentage is retained in liquid state and used for its growth and storage.
Explanation: Terminus ante quem is an Archeological an a Latin term used to describe the date before which an event or events took place,it is also used to show the date before which Archeological works have been deposited in a given area.
Example, a pottery dating to the 4th century AD found on a surface would give that pottery with a terminus ante quem of the 4thcentury AD.
This type of cross dating can either be TERMINUS ANTE QUEM OR TERMINUS POST QUEM.

Power rating of a solar panel is 1.50 KW/m²
It generates 2.50 MJ in an hour.
We need to find the area of this type of solar panel would be needed. The power pertaining to generate this energy is given by :

Let A be the area of the solar panel. It is calculated as follows :

So, the required area of the solar panel is