Answer is: a) I only.
Above critical temperature of CO₂, a gas cannot be liquefied no matter how much pressure is applied. Temperature and pressure above its critical point is called supercritical fluid and this is <span>intermediate between gaseous and liquid states.</span>


Ethanol can be oxidized to ethanal or acetaldehyde which is further oxidized to acid that is acetic acid.
[oxidation by loss of hydrogen]
An oxidizing agent potassium dichromate(VI) solution is used to remove the hydrogen from the ethanol.
- An oxidizing agent used along with dilute sulphuric acid for acidification.
Acetaldehyde can also be reduced back to ethanol again by adding hydrogen to it by using a reducing agent that is sodium tetrahydro borate, NaBH4.
- The oxidation of aldehydes to carboxylic acids can be done by the two-step process.
- In the first step, one molecule of water is added in the presence of a catalyst that is acidic.
- There is a generation of a hydrate. (geminal 1,1-diol).
[reduction by the gain of electrons]
Here, the oxidizing agent used is
in the presence of acetone.
Por favor,no ponga exactamente lo que pongo,Trate de parafrasear.
La espectroscopia es el estudio de la interacción entre la materia y la radiación electromagnética en función de la longitud de onda o frecuencia de la radiación. La espectroscopia puede ser muy útil para ayudar a los científicos a comprender cómo un objeto como un agujero negro, una estrella de neutrones o una galaxia activa produce luz, qué tan rápido se mueve y de qué elementos está compuesto. Se pueden producir espectros para cualquier energía de la luz, desde ondas de radio de baja energía hasta rayos gamma de muy alta energía.
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The reaction of bromo benzene with magnesium-ether solution yields a Grignard reagent.
The byproduct of this reaction is biphenyl. It is formed when two unreacted bromobenzene molecules are coupled together.
Hence, It is advised that the bromobenzene solution be added slowly to the magnesium-ether solution so that it isn't present in a high concentration, thus reducing the amount of biphenyl by-product formed.