Answer:The brainstem has an ectodermal origin and is composed of 4 parts: the diencephalon, mesencephalon, pons, and medulla oblongata.
Sexual transmitted infections (STIs) are the disease that might pass from one sex partner to the other partner during unprotected sex. Some STIs can pass through skin contact.
Gonorrhea is the STIs that occur due to the bacterial infections. This can affect both the male and female partner. The gonorrhoea infection do not show any symptoms and sometimes the partner do not know about the infection. In severe cases the individual may get sterile by the gonorrhea infection.
Thus, the correct answer is option (c).
Iatrogenic are dissociative disorder caused by the activity of a physician or caused by the medication or treatment the physician give the client or patient.
Iatrogenic also refers to any adverse effect on a person resulting from the activity of a physician which does not support the goal of the person affected as a result of the diagnostic procedures undertaken on
the patient. Example when multitude of drugs is prescribed to a patient adverse drug reactions are bound to occur because the drugs may be powerful drugs which may have undesirable side effects on the patient.
Although the dissociative identity disorder symptoms may be or are unintentionally produced by the practitioner who is treating the client.