Two covalent bonds form between the two oxygen atoms because oxygen requires two shared electrons to fill its outermost shell. Nitrogen atoms will form three covalent bonds (also called triple covalent) between two atoms of nitrogen because each nitrogen atom needs three electrons to fill its outermost shell.
A mole is defined as 6.02214076 × 1023 of some chemical unit, be it atoms, molecules, ions, or others. The mole is a convenient unit to use because of the great number of atoms, molecules, or others in any substance.
An active metal is a highly reactive metal. Active metals are found high up in the activity series.
Active metals react with other metals that are lower than them in the activity thereby displacing the lower metals from a solution of their salts. This is what may have happened in the other two reactions.
Ni is the most active metal listed in the question since it can react a compounds with Pb(NO3)2(aq) to liberate Pb metal.
we know that gas molecules move fast by hitting the container and they never meet,so if we have one single gas molecule then it will move slower . This is because it is alone in an empty container so until it hits the container to change it's movements it will make the process slower.
Read the explanation below to have a better idea based on the kinetic molecular theory.
Hello in this question we have a container and in it is a single gas molecule. So there is our gas molecule and in fact right there that violates the kinetic molecular theory. Because the kinetic molecular theory thinks of these particles as being dimension less points. Because there is so much space between particles. The particles themselves have such an insignificant volume as they can be thought of as dimension lys points. Okay. But anyway this particle is in rapid motion and this motion is essentially random. So it's moving and it will eventually hit the wall of its container. It's moving rapidly so it's going to hit it pretty quickly and when it hits the wall of that container Yeah, it is going to bounce off when it does that. It's a totally elastic collision. So that means there will be no energy transfer, no energy loss, no energy gained. It will just serve to change the direction of the particle. So when it hits the wall it's going to bounce back off the wall and continue in a straight line until it hits another wall and then it will bounce off that wall and it will continue moving in this motion in this motion its speed is related to the amount of energy it has and therefore its temperature. So if we add heat, it will move faster. If we remove heat or cool it down, it will move slower. So when we remove heat, it will move slower. The kinetic molecular theory says it will be constantly moving As long as it is above absolute zero. It's only at absolute zero or 0 Kelvin, where would stop moving. Okay, so all these things describe its motion. It's in rapid random motion in a straight line until it hits the wall of its container. Then it will rebound without a transfer of any energy. It will be totally elastic collision. If we were to heat it up, it would move faster. If we were to cool it down, it would move more slowly, we would have to cool it all the way down to absolute zero before it would stop moving. Right, so all of these things describe its motion. In terms of that kinetic molecular theory,
Molar mass of C6H12O6 = 6x12 + 12x1 + 6x16 = 180g
SO mass of 1 mole of C6H12O6 = 180g
mass of 0.5 mole of C6H12O6 = 0.5 x180g = 90g