-The water washes it causing it to break
-How hot or cold it is matters.
-ice can get into cracks which causes it to crack
Full moon
A lunar eclipse can occur only at full moon. A total lunar eclipse can happen only when the sun, Earth and moon are perfectly lined up — anything less than perfection creates a partial lunar eclipse or no eclipse at all.
What best describes the concept of weight is the force on an object due to its mass and gravity.
Weight is the force with which gravity pulls a body or object towards the earth. It is a physical unit that involves both the force of gravity and the mass that an object has.
In general, the terms mass and weight are different, being the mass a characteristic of the body -without influence of other factors- and the weight is the force with which the gravity pushes the mass of that same body.
Regarding the other options:
- <em>The amount of space an object takes up
, corresponds to the volume of a body.</em>
- <em>The amount of matter in an object
, corresponds to the mass.</em>
- <em>The force on an object due to its speed and location, is related to the movement of a body.</em>
Potassium or any other metals.
Electronegativity is a measure of the ability of an atom to attract the electrons when the atom is part of a compound. Electronegativity values generally increase from left to right across the periodic table. The highest electronegativity value is for fluorine.