Divide by 3
In order to estimate the distance traveled by a lightening flash in kilometers, we follow these simple steps:
- Make a count of the number of seconds in between the period a flash occur and the thunder accompanied by the lightening flash is heard.
- Dive the total number of seconds by 3 to get the distance traveled by the flash. This is because in order to cover 1 km, it roughly takes 3 seconds.
Sound waves travel at 343 m/s through the air and faster through liquids and solids. The waves transfer energy from the source of the sound, e.g. a drum, to its surroundings. Your ear detects sound waves when vibrating air particles cause your ear drum to vibrate. The bigger the vibrations the louder the sound.
shorelines of the southeast U.S.
therefore critical angle c= 69.79°
Canola oil is less dense than water, so it floats over water.
which is higher than that of water
refractive index of water
to calculate critical angle of light going from the oil into water
we know that
now putting values we get
therefore critical angle c= 69.79°