1 - Skull
2 - Mandible
3 - Scapula
4 - Sternum
5 - Ulna
6 - Radius
7 - Pelvis
8 - Femur
9 - Patella
10 - Tibia
11 - Fibula
12 - Metatarsals
13 - Clavicle
14 - Ribs (rib cage)
15 - Humerus
16 - Spinal column
17 - Carpals
18 - Metacarpals
19 - Phalanges
20 - Tarsals
21 - Phalanges
A. Technician A only
The camshaft opening ramp is what opens the valve, it starts at the basement of the inner circle and closes at the nose while the camshaft closing ramp allows for closing a valve starts at the nose and closes at the inner base circle. Valve clearance on an engine are performed when closing a valve, and is completed when the valve lifter or follower is on the inner base circle of the camshaft lobe.
Weight because both gravity and weight are pulling an object down