Kinetic energy is energy of motion. Doubling the speed will quadruple the kinetic energy. The relationship between speed and kinetic energy is: This means that the factor by which kinetic energy increases is the square of the factor by which speed or velocity increases for a given object.
0.04 mm Hg / mL / min .
Arterial pressure = 120 mm Hg
right atrial pressure = 0 mm Hg
Drop in pressure due to peripheral resistance = 120 mm Hg
volume of cardiac output per minute = 3000 mL/min
total peripheral resistance
= 120 / 3000 mm Hg / mL / min
= 0.04 mm Hg / mL / min .
When an object does not move even on pushing , static frictional force acts on in opposite direction of the applied force to stop the object from moving. static frictional force is a self adjusting force and it adjust its value according to the applied force if the applied force is smaller than the maximum value of static frictional force. The object starts moving once the applied force on it becomes greater than the maximum static frictional force. hence the statement is true.
The earth obviously because it is on Earth like we are and it has the same gravital properties. It falls when you drop it and rises when you pick it up