B - Atomic number. Dmitri Mendeleev organised the table according to atomic weight, however this caused problems with elements such as iodine and tellurium, Iodine has a higher mass, but a lower atomic number. And to make iodine in the same group as similar elements (halogens), Mendeleev had to break his own rules and put it before tellurium in the table. Moseley fixed this problem by ordering the elements according to atomic (proton) number.
All Living things
All living things are capable of carrying out all life processes. Some examples of such organisms are plants, animals, microorganisms (such as bacteria)
And organism too
Coal=fire and in the artic its hard to build a fire
The correct answer is letter C. Rock Cycle. Living organisms involved in carbon cycle, oxygen cycle, and in nitrogen cycle. These are involved in the air that living organisms are taking in and out.