Since work is the change in kinetic energy, the efficiency of a machine can be stated as the percentage of the output work divided by the input work minus the work lost from to friction and heat. Multiply Eff by 100% to get the efficiency percentage.
Look at the title of the graph, in small print under it.
Each point is "compared to 1950-1980 baseline". So the set of data for those years is being compared to itself. No wonder it matches up pretty close !
<span>Because the moon has no atmosphere, it is not possible for geologic events to occur on the moon.</span>
Since Astronaut and wrench system is isolated in the space and there is no external force on it
So here momentum of the system will remain conserved
so here we can say
initially both are at rest
so here plug in all values
so here the astronaut will move in opposite direction and its speed will be equal to 0.20 m/s