Velocity is change in displacement with respect to time:

Analysing the units, meters (displacement) and seconds (time) are basic units:

Therefore the unit of velocity is m/s
Newton's second law of motion:

Kilogram (mass) is a basic unit, and accelerations unit can be found using the equation:

Analysing the units:

Therefore, the unit of force is:

Pressure is given by the equation:
where S is area of effect, F is force
Area for a basic rectangle (geometric shape is arbitrary for dimensional analysis) is found by multiplying two lengths:
, the unit of area
Dividing the aforementioned unit of force by the unit of area:
, the unit of pressure
Work is given by the equation:
, (dot product may be assumed as normal multiplication for the purposes of unit analysis)
Knowing displacement's (x) unit is m:
, the unit of work.