It makes sense because on that the day the sun stops moving northward and starts moving southward
This would be a physical change because it can change back to its original form. This is like ripping paper. You can piece it back together and it still is paper.
The opposite of this is chemical change. Chemical change means the product has been changed completely like burning paper. The paper has now been turned to ash and it's impossible to change this back to its original form.
-- The position of the sun was originally the primary influence in determining
when people went to sleep and when they woke up. Although it no longer
directly influences us, that pattern is so deeply ingrained in our make-up
that our behavior still largely coincides with the positions of the sun.
-- The position of the Moon was originally the primary influence in determining
the cycle of human female physiology. Although it no longer directly influences
us, that pattern is so deeply ingrained in human make-up that the female cycle
still largely coincides with the positions of the Moon.
The standard model of particle physics classifies all known particles and documents three of the fundamental forces. A neutrino is an almost massless sub-atomic particle with no charge that only interacts with matter very weakly. Neutrinos are classified as fermions which means they have half-integer intrinsic spin.
A seesaw remains stationary when two students of equal weight sit on the ends