1- You should always have a question for your experiment.
2- You need to conduct background research. It helps to write down your sources so you can cite your references.
3- Propose a hypothesis (educated guess on what you believe the outcome of the experiment will be)
4- Design and perform an experiment to test your hypothesis (include independent and dependent variable)
5- Record observations and analyze what the data means.
6- Conclude whether you need to accept or reject your hypothesis, which accepting means your hypothesis was right and rejected is if it was wrong.
A dictatorship or tyranny.
, b) 
a) According to the First Law of Thermodinamics, the system is not reporting any work, mass or heat interactions. Besides, let consider that such box is rigid and, therefore, heat contained inside is the consequence of internal energy.

The internal energy for a monoatomic ideal gas is:

Let assume that cubical box contains just one kilomole of monoatomic gas. Then, the temperature is determined from the Equation of State for Ideal Gases:

The thermal energy contained by the gas is:

b) The physical model for the cat is constructed from Work-Energy Theorem:

The speed of the cat is obtained by isolating the respective variable and the replacement of every known variable by numerical values:

D. Because the moons shadow during a total lunar eclipse is tinnier than the earth.
The kinetic energy is 
From the question we are told that
The potential difference is 
The potential energy of the end is mathematically represented as

q is the charge on an electron with a constant value of 
substituting values

Now from the law of energy conservation
is the potential energy at the end

The negative sign is not includes because kinetic energy can not be negative