Answer: El HEXAHIDRATO DE SULFATO DE NÍQUEL es incompatible con ácidos fuertes, azufre, Ni (NO3) 2, madera y otros combustibles. (NTP, 1992) A temperatura elevada sufre una reacción violenta con aluminio o magnesio en polvo. Cuando se calienta hasta la descomposición emite humos muy tóxicos de óxidos de azufre
These substances can be separated by distillation, so your answer is A.
The electrons and the nuclei will settle into positions that minimize repulsion and maximize attraction.
CO2 or carbon dioxide is produced when iron is extracted from its ore. Carbon monoxide Co is used as reducing agent in iron extraction. In this reaction iron ore is reduced to iron and CO is oxidized to CO2 or carbon dioxide which is released in the process. There extraction of iron is redox reaction.
the n value must always be greater than the l value