1. The best definition of refraction is ____.
a. passing through a boundary
b. bouncing off a boundary
c. changing speed at a boundary
d. changing direction when crossing a boundary
Answer: D
Bouncing off a boundary (choice b) is reflection. Refraction involves passing through a boundary (choice a) and changing speed (choice c); however, a light ray can exhibit both of these behaviors without undergoing refraction (for instance, if it approaches the boundary along the normal). Refraction of light must involve a change in direction; the path must be altered at the boundary.
No because Newton’s first law is inertia
If it points the other way, the fields subtract, for a lower energy, and so the magnet prefers to turn to point in this way. Magnets in uniform fields feel torques which make them turn around if they are not pointing in the right direction, but there is no net force making the magnet want to levitate.
net force would be 50 N right