Fe(s) + CuSO4(aq) -> Cu(s) + FeSO4(aq) is the answer if you get it in advance...
B radiation therapy is mainly used to destroy cancer cells and as a cancer treatment.
Answer: Effects of Mutations
A single mutation can have a large effect, but in many cases, evolutionary change is based on the accumulation of many mutations with small effects. Mutational effects can be beneficial, harmful, or neutral, depending on their context or location. Most non-neutral mutations are deleterious.
Other common mutation examples in humans are Angelman syndrome, Canavan disease, color blindness, cystic fibrosis, Down syndrome, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, haemochromatosis, haemophilia, Klinefelter syndrome, phenylketonuria, Prader–Willi syndrome, Tay–Sachs disease, and Turner syndrome
The answer is C