Attracting means pulling toward you and repelling means pushing away
- The Solar System contains the sun and objects that orbit it, including the eight planets, comets, and asteroids, and the Galaxy contains about 100 billion stars, of which the sun is one, as well as large clouds of gas and dust. - The universe contains all physical matter and energy
So Therefore Universe Is the biggest terms of size because it contains all physical matter and energy hope it helps
The formula we can use in this case is:
v = v0 + a t
where v is final velocity, v0 is initial velocity, a is
acceleration and t is time
So finding for v0:
v0 = v – a t
v0 = 43.7 – (2.5) 2.7
v0 = 36.95 m/s
Those two units can be compared to a 'mile per hour' and a 'mile per hour - hour'.
One is a rate. The other is a quantity, after maintaining a rate for some time.
-- 'Joule' is a unit of energy. It's the amount of work (energy) you do
when you push with a force of 1 newton though a distance of 1 meter.
Lifting 10 pound of beans 3 feet off the floor takes about 40.7 joules of energy.
-- 'Watt' is a <u><em>rate</em></u> of using energy . . . 1 joule per second.
If you lift 10 pounds 3 feet off the floor in 1 second, your <em>power</em> is 40.7 watts.
-- 'Watt-second' is the amount of energy used in one second,
at the rate of 1 joule per second . . . 1 joule.
-- 'Watt-hour' is the amount of energy used in one hour,
at the rate of 1 joule per second . . . 3,600 joules.
-- 'Kilowatt' is a bigger <em>rate</em> of using energy . . . 1,000 joules per second.
-- 'Kilowatt - second' is the amount of energy used in one second,
at the rate of 1,000 joules per second . . . 1,000 joules .
-- 'Kilowatt - hour' is the amount of energy used in one hour,
at the rate of 1,000 joules per second . . . 3,600,000 joules .
Depending on where you live, 3,600,000 joules of energy bought
from the electric company costs something between 5¢ and 25¢.
V=IR I= curren V=volt R=resistor
8=2.R 8/2=R R=4