fossil fuels is used the most often in the world.
There's no air in space, so there's no air resistance there.
Asch (1956) found that group size influenced whether subjects conformed. The bigger the majority group (no of confederates), the more people conformed, but only up to a certain point.
Answer: Neon is a colorless gas at room temperature: Physical property
At room temperature, mercury is a liquid: Physical property
Apple slices turn brown when exposed to air: Chemical property
Phosphorus will ignite when exposed to air: Chemical property
Physical property is defined as the property of a substance which becomes evident during physical change in which there is alteration in shape, size etc. No new substance gets formed during physical change.
Example: Neon is a colorless gas at room temperature
At room temperature, mercury is a liquid.
Chemical property is defined as the property of a substance which becomes evident during chemical change in which a change in chemical composition takes place. A new substance is formed in these reactions.
Example: Apple slices turn brown when exposed to air: It undergoes oxidation which is a chemical change
Phosphorus will ignite when exposed to air: It undergoes oxidation which is a chemical change