The operating coefficient or performance coefficient of a heat pump is the ratio between the heating or cooling provided and the electricity consumed. The higher coefficients are equivalent to lower operating costs. The coefficient can be greater than 1, because it is a percentage of the output: losses, other than the thermal efficiency ratio: input energy. Mathematically can be written as,


Therefore the heat is 3.822kJ
We don't know that at all. The 3rd law says that the REaction is opposite and EQUAL to the action. We don't know where that "twice as much" comes from.
Negative z-direction
First of all, we need to understand the direction of the magnetic force on the proton. This can be determined by using the right hand rule. So we have:
- index finger: direction of the proton, positive x-direction
- middle finger: direction of magnetic field, positive y-direction
- thumb: direction of the force, positive z-direction
In order to balance this magnetic force, the electric force must act in the opposite direction (negative z direction). Since for a proton (positive charge) the force and the electric field have same direction, it means that the electric field must also be in the negative z direction.
Barometer duhhhh what’s else a ruler
The frequency of watering
The manipulated variable in this case is the frequency of adding water to the experimental plants.
While the first plant can be said to have a watering frequency of a day, the second had a watering frequency of 2 days while the third plant had a watering frequency of 3 days.
The experiment must have been set up to determine the effects of frequency of watering on the growth of tomato plants.